Sunday, March 24, 2019

JANUARY 1, 2019

Beautiful New Year's Day 

Sea Gulls Greet the New Year in Flight

Antenna Work Outside
Following a torrential rain storm last night, the new year day emerged blustery and clear with temperatures rising to the low-60s, affording a full day of antenna work. We concentrate on the second vertical, opting to install installing a second set of guys after watching the experimental vertical ride in heavy gusts. Here's how we do it using PVC tubes, cable ties and epoxy. 

Adjustable Guy Sleeves for Vertical Radiators
PVC tubes, cable-ties and epoxy.


First you set the pvc sleeve to the location you want to guy the vertical; a self tapping screw fixing the sleeve to the spot. In our case it is just below a junction, which is a good place to guy a vertical if you have the option. Then you slip on the cable ties -- the ones with the holes in their tabs. After spacing them 120˚ apart they are epoxyed in place forever. We are using 1/8" parachute cord as guys lines.


Favorite New Tool
The Hose Clamp Wrench

This is the tool I use to tighten hose clamps. I like it so much I epoxyed the hex key into the socket! 
Hose Clamp Wrench
Not (yet) sold by commercial vendors at an exorbitant price

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