Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tilt Over Vertical Mounts

Tilting over verticals quickly. Uses two 1x1 timbers available at Home Depot for $2.38 each.

The only inhibition is the guy system, one of three sets of which has to be slackened in order for the vertical to tilt over. This can be accomplished by inserting two eye-bolts into a guy stake, and running the upper and lower guys through them and where back to the ground pipe where they are tied-off. This system cuts up the PVC insulating tubes into smaller “insulating rings” which are secured to the wooden timber by metal electrical conduit hangers. A pin through the bottom PVC ring provides a mechanical stop for vertical slippage, while allowing for the bottom of the vertical to emerge underneath the PVC ring for easy attachment to the feedline. The present system, which evolved from the portable vertical base insulator, uses a complex combination of a long screw laced by two metal spacers on either side of the PVC tube. When the screw is tightened, the spacers pass through holes in the PVC tube and squeeze the vertical, providing the electrical connection and mechanical stop. The redesign of this system provides a better electrical connection to the vertical and "quick-release" mechanical stop.