Sunday, March 24, 2019

DECEMBER 31, 2018

Ground System Shootout Tonight
Today we built and installed the remote relay box needed to alternate between the four ground rods and 25 ground radials underneath the experimental vertical. All that remains to be done is to wire the control cable to the toggle switch here in the shack, which will be done after finishing this update (0100Z). We will then perform a comparison between the two ground systems later tonight in the general portion of the 40 Meter SSB band. A schematic appears below. 

Remote Selection of Ground Systems Underneath Experimental Vertical
A/B testing tonight.

New Feedline • Insertion of Grounded 1:1 Balun • Control Line Management
Upon arrival at the base of the house, a 1:1 balun was inserted into the feedline with the shield of the antenna-side coax earth-grounded. On the other side of the balun the coax runs up to the shack. This reduces the receiver noise floor 1 S-unit.

Shack Entry Isolation & Control Strip
Mitigate common-mode current & facilitate addition of control lines.

Below is the present state of the feed and control lines in the field, which are in a state of flux as we prepare for the second phase of experimentation. 

Today's Feed & Control Line Status
A work-in-progesss

As part of this process, the feedline to the experimental vertical has been replaced with an 82˚ run to the remote phasing box that was installed between the vertical and the NE vertical support post. To the remote box a 1.2 WL section of coax was attached and run to the balun, as just described. A/B testing will commence tonight after checking the impedance of the feedline in the shack when the ground rod state is selected.

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