Sunday, March 24, 2019

February 21, 2019

Took a break from antenna work to diagnose the TS-830S donated by K2IL

We did some work on the TS-830S today, donated by Steve, K2IL. First up are the classic "Before" and "After" shots. 


Before and After Shots of the TS-830S Donated by K2IL
We see the improvement of the rig's cosmetic look after the first day of examining it on the test bench.

Initial examination of the TS-830s reveals blown plate choke.

Blown Plate Choke.
Removed from the RF cage. Will be rewound with enamel wire. 
Additional problems beset the rig, but nothing catastrophic to its operation. Knobs and faceplate were washed and some light rewiring done inside. The receiver works, although it has yet to be aligned. Digital frequency read-out changes around to different frequencies. Numerous potentiometer controls on the front plate need either cleaning or outright replacement, especially AF Gain and Tone controls. Cabinet will be prepped and repainted, with screws procured from Ace Hardware. More updates follow. Note the acorn retrieved from the RF deck, below. 

Plate Choke and Acorn
Removed from the RF cage.
Massive European Pile-Up Recordings Now Available On-line
Click on the image to go there.
Our Pile-Up recordings are now available for download on Click the image, below, to go there. It takes several hours after a pile-up for the recordings to be available for listening and download since they have to approved by human beings at the web site. 

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