Sunday, March 24, 2019

February 19, 2019

Reorganizing the feedpoints

Today we did some routine maintenance by rebuilding the ferrite bead current chokes at the bases of both verticals. These are The Wireman current choke kits available from The Wireman ($14) which string about 50 ferrite beads along a length of RG-174 miniature coax. In our case we encapsulated these chokes into PVC tubes with end caps. These, in turn, were clamped to the ground support pipes beaten into the marsh mud a month or so ago. The repair essentially entailed removing the current chokes from the PVC tubes and resoldering them to the 84˚ Christman legs back to the remote switchbox, and then soldering new stranded wire pigtail off the other end. We then placed the current chokes into longer PVC tubes which solved some problems arising from use of shorter tubes. Some snapshots appear below. 

Phasing and Switching System
The 38 Ohm feedpoint impedance is transposed to 50 Ohms by an L-match encased in a tackle box before being sent down the feedline.
Homemade remote relay switch box is hermetically sealed to preclude water ingress. Ground radial system underneath the Northeast vertical. 

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