Sunday, March 24, 2019

Elevated Phased Verticals

with Elevated Counterpoise
After 1 year, here's what we ended up with for the transmitting antenna.

East and West Verticals of the 7 MHz Phased Array • Construction Time: 4 Months • Cost: Under $200 (including radial wire)
Each vertical is elevated 4 meters above ground, and outfitted with 30 counterpoise wires. • The Christman phasing method is employed.
The 60 counterpoise wires are suspended from a catenary line strung around both verticals. • Counterpoise systems are insulated from each other.
Feedlines choked with W2AU ferrite-bead balun kits (Wireman $14).

Schematic Diagram of 7.1 MHz Phased Verticals Using the Christman Phasing Method
Vertical length 34.5 feet • Spaced 34' 7" • 30 Elevated Counterpoise Wires per Vertical 36.5' • 84-degree RG-8X feedline 27.1' • 71-degree RG8X feedline 22.8' 
12 VDC automotive relay used in switching box. • Array beams towards vertical with delay line inserted in its feedline

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