Sunday, March 24, 2019

JANUARY 7, 2019

Phased Verticals: Tweaking the F/B

Ocean Fog Envelopes Succotash Salt Marsh
January 7, 2019
Walking the F/B Down to 7.150 Mhz
Thanks for all the F/B reports, everybody. They give us an idea about the phased verticals' stateside and DX coverage when oriented NE (60˚) / SW 240˚). I am using these reports, along with monitoring foreign broadcast stations above 7.2 Mhz, to walk the maximujm Front-to-Back Ratio down to 7.150 Mhz by lengthening the phasing cable in the field. This is why I keep on asking for F/B reports in pile-ups. Perhaps not ironically, I found myself using the same jumpers to lengthen the phasing as were used in the previous installation of these verticals, detailed down this page. (Editor: In a moment we will learn that the phasing line needs to be lengthend several, additional inches for this salt marsh installation).
Populating Radial Field Under Northeast Vertical
I am laying down radials under the Northeast vertical, which until now has been using three ground rods. So far have laid down 8 in all directions, with 22 more to go. This will require re-tuning the vertical, and hopefully an increase in overall performance, expecially F/B, which is the most distinctive aspect of this array.

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