Sunday, March 24, 2019

February 12, 2019

Extremely Low Take-off Experiment
European Pile-up After Local Sunrise
Recordings of the Phased Verticals in Europe here.

Continuing our quest for low elevation angle experimentation this morning by getting up at 4:30 AM to hail Europe before sunrise on the East coast. To our surprise European signals were presenting themselves well over the S9 mark. A massive pile-up ensued, recorded in its entirity here. The QRZ log appears below. 

European Daytime Pile-up
February 12, 2019

It was surreal working European stations as the edge of the Eastern horizon began to glow the deep reddish-purple of first light, let alone well after the sun emerged over the horizon, bathing the salt marsh in a yellow-orange glow. I used the European SDR in the UK to monitor the phased saltwater verticals in Europe, watching with amazement the S meter readings produced by the aerial. The recordings can be found here. This subjective experiment indicates the take-off angle of the phased saltwater verticals is unusually low. 

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